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DJ LadyX: Lady-DJ Queen of Portland Hip Hop

DJ LadyX is one third of the hip hop trio Ugly Tarantino, a champion of local hip hop in Portland and regularly gigs up and down the West coast. She recently competed in the Skratcher Classic Head-to-Head Scratch Battle in Los Angeles. I asked her about scratch competing, the craft of DJing and carving her own path through a male-dominated scene.

Q. Is a DJ a musician?

Absolutely. Our job, our main focus on that stage, is to reach people entirely through our music. By definition, a musician is one who composes, conducts or performs music. Now whether you’re a good musician is the question...

Q. DJing and scratching are folk arts in that they're crafts that are typically self-taught or passed informally from mentor to novice. There aren't many formal institutions that teach DJing. Did you have any mentors who showed you the ropes?

The whole SkratchpadPDX, SundaePDX and Wicked Wednesday crew. DJ Wicked and DJ Ozroc really provided a place for me to learn and grow. They put me to work and I felt I had to prove myself to them.

DJ Kut Throat and I have been doing a lot of work together this past year – really focusing on my technique and skill and taking the time to build my brand. Sometimes I feel without him, I'd be lost. We still have a lot of work ahead of us but I definitely feel blessed and I look forward to the hard work.

Q. What are the different styles or schools of scratch? How would you describe your style?

I have a funky scratch. I like to feel that beat and just get funky with it. There are a lot of different styles, as with any art form. Over the years the styles have evolved immensely – from the Grand Wizzard Theodore days to the current DJ Qbert. The sky is the limit if you have the proper knowledge, dedication and focus.

Q. Who do admire as a DJ?

Hands down DJ Killa Jewel is an icon for female DJs. She has such a profound scratch style and continues to grow as a DJ. That gives me inspiration to stay focused, keep putting myself out there and to keep setting goals for myself.

Q. Hip hop in general is male dominated. DJing is even more of a man's world. Has the community welcomed you? Have you ever wondered if you belong?

I know I belong. I feel 100 percent complete when I am behind the tables. As far as feeling welcomed... I've had my moments. From technical difficulties when no one was willing to help, to carrying out my gear with no DJ willing to help. But I feel like that was my way of earning my stripes. So I dealt with it. Now, I have a lot of support, especially in the skratch community, whether that be via social media or in my own city. But you better believe, LadyX has haters!

Q. You recently competed at the Skratcher Los Angeles Classic Head-to-Head Scratch Battle. How'd you do?

I did pretty good. We'll, actually, great. My main goal was to not choke and, to my surprise, I was super comfortable behind the tables and I did really well. At least by the sounds of the crowd and the props I got after my routine.

Q. Who had the best scratch skills?

There were so many amazing DJs in the building. It's hard to name just one. Of course FlipFlop was in my top three along wit DonPaco and Lee Woody of Europe, who I had the pleasure of cutting with in the freestyle session after the battle. I gotta say, that was fun!

Q. Are you competitive?

Yea. I just wanna prove that I can do it. Whether it's to myself, my fellow skratchers, haters... I just feel like I have something to prove. I always do my best in whatever it is I do. So I went into this battle ready for a battle.

Q. What's it like to work with Gums and Kenneth Masters?

Oh man, I feel very blessed: they are two very humble, very funny, very kind and caring people that are just as dedicated to music as I am. I've learned so much from them. They evolve my craft and they don't even know it. From the conversations we have to the music we vibe out to... it's dope and I appreciate them. They are my brothers, my family. They make me want to keep progressing my skill because they support me and I don't want to let them down.

Q. Are there any rappers you really want to work with?

As far as Portland, right now I'm pretty satisfied wit my current artist. I've been in the mix a lot wit Kable Roc lately, traveling all over Oregon doing shows and making people dance. I've also been working with That Kid Cry, holding down shows from Portland to Salem. Keep an eye out for our upcoming mixtape. And then of course my one and only lady Ms. Eminent. I always love hitting the stage wit her. If it wasn't for her putting me on my first show... who knows how this all would of turned out.

Much love -LadyX